Made for Grace is a ministry of helps. Made for Grace does not collect payment for services rendered, does not misrepresent services, and can discontinue services at the discretion of Julie Knapp. Made for Grace places itself under no obligations, implicit or explicit, to provide services. Personal interaction with Julie Knapp is a ministry of mentoring/discipleship, not paid counseling or therapy. Made for Grace does not guarantee any personal services; any services are provided during window of availability, as space exists.
Curated books, resources, and videos, while helpful, may not always exactly reflect personal views of Julie Knapp or those being helped. Made for Grace takes no responsibility for the content of outside resources. Julie Knapp believes that the resources contained in this site, whether Christian or secular, offer significant benefit and merit inclusion; however, each person must exercise his/her own discernment in their use.
Made for Grace's ministry is limited to mentoring/discipleship and curated resources. Made for Grace does not provide food, shelter, protection, or legal advice.
Those receiving mentoring/discipleship may be asked to complete an intake form. All information is held in strict confidence according to the Counseling Ethics Code. Exceptions include disclosure of threats of harm to self or others, or abuse of children, elders, or disabled people.
Curated books, resources, and videos, while helpful, may not always exactly reflect personal views of Julie Knapp or those being helped. Made for Grace takes no responsibility for the content of outside resources. Julie Knapp believes that the resources contained in this site, whether Christian or secular, offer significant benefit and merit inclusion; however, each person must exercise his/her own discernment in their use.
Made for Grace's ministry is limited to mentoring/discipleship and curated resources. Made for Grace does not provide food, shelter, protection, or legal advice.
Those receiving mentoring/discipleship may be asked to complete an intake form. All information is held in strict confidence according to the Counseling Ethics Code. Exceptions include disclosure of threats of harm to self or others, or abuse of children, elders, or disabled people.