Yes, God Loves YOU!
Do you have any idea how much God loves you? I do. He loves you so much, that your brain can't even wrap around the concept. God is not like humans, who "love" with strings attached.
Let's stop and think about that--can you think of anyone in your life who truly loved you unconditionally, no matter how big your mess was, how much trouble you were in, or what others had said about you? (I realize you may not be able to remember anyone like that. If so, I'm truly sorry. Go ahead and get a tissue. I'll wait.)
It's hard to imagine God's love for you if you've never experienced unconditional love on a human level, but let me tell you: God's love is in a whole different category. It only seems that His love is distant, when you're hurting all over and there's no relief in sight. Here's the reality, though: when God made a plan to allow humans to engage with Him after their massive failure in the Garden of Eden, He gave up everything. I mean, everything. There is nothing He held back to rescue humanity from the slavery that is sin, and to clear the way for relationship with Him. Even now, He doesn't hold out on us (Ps. 84:11).
Grasping the love of God is essential to a healthy perspective in life. In fact, it's so important that Paul wrote about it in Ephesians 3:18 (NKJV): ". . . [that you] may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height [of the love of Christ]". God's love is extravagant, unconditional, abundant, eternal. Love is who He is!
You may not be able to feel God's love every moment, but I assure you, it's there. Ask Him to show you. Don't be surprised if you ask Him for a hug, and a person shows up and hugs you. You may also be reminded of His great love for you as you read the story of Jesus and what He endured to secure your eternity with Him.
Yes, God loves you! More than you can ever imagine.
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©2022 Julianne Knapp. Originally published 8.16.22
Let's stop and think about that--can you think of anyone in your life who truly loved you unconditionally, no matter how big your mess was, how much trouble you were in, or what others had said about you? (I realize you may not be able to remember anyone like that. If so, I'm truly sorry. Go ahead and get a tissue. I'll wait.)
It's hard to imagine God's love for you if you've never experienced unconditional love on a human level, but let me tell you: God's love is in a whole different category. It only seems that His love is distant, when you're hurting all over and there's no relief in sight. Here's the reality, though: when God made a plan to allow humans to engage with Him after their massive failure in the Garden of Eden, He gave up everything. I mean, everything. There is nothing He held back to rescue humanity from the slavery that is sin, and to clear the way for relationship with Him. Even now, He doesn't hold out on us (Ps. 84:11).
Grasping the love of God is essential to a healthy perspective in life. In fact, it's so important that Paul wrote about it in Ephesians 3:18 (NKJV): ". . . [that you] may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height [of the love of Christ]". God's love is extravagant, unconditional, abundant, eternal. Love is who He is!
You may not be able to feel God's love every moment, but I assure you, it's there. Ask Him to show you. Don't be surprised if you ask Him for a hug, and a person shows up and hugs you. You may also be reminded of His great love for you as you read the story of Jesus and what He endured to secure your eternity with Him.
Yes, God loves you! More than you can ever imagine.
Subscribe to free weekly articles in your inbox HERE; your information will never be shared. :-)
©2022 Julianne Knapp. Originally published 8.16.22